Congratulations to Mrs. Davis Class As The December’s Box Top Winners!

Box Top DecWith all the December festivities and snow days, we nearly missed announcing the December Box Top winners. Congratulations to Mrs. Davis’ 1st grade classroom, beating out the competition with 672 box tops! The student winner also came from Mrs. Davis’ class: Jackson D. 145 box tops. The “Box Top Winner” poster is hanging proud on this first grade classroom!

Cecilia Gillish, Box Top chair, recently let the PTO know there is enough Campbell Soup funds to purchase new recess basketballs and kick balls for the students.

The hard work all the families have done with collecting these box tops, Campbell soup labels and Coke Rewards really is money back to your children! Thank you so much to all that take the time to collect and turn in these items.

For more information on the Box Top Fundraiser or to down load a new paper collector, please visit “Box Top” under the “Fundraiser” header on this website.

You can return the Box Tops glued and trimmed (please do not staple) to a collection sheet (Box Top Collection Sheet Print Off). Another option is  in a baggie with the students name, grade and teacher on the bag or on a piece of paper in the baggie.  

*This year we will also be collecting Campbell’s products labels for “Label for Education” and “Coke Rewards”.

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A New Office Look!

We came back from the extended winter break to find a new look for the school office. The new desk makes the office appear bigger, with more open space. But according to Ms. Thomas the new furniture actually has more storage and room then the previous.

Doesn’t she look good in the driver’s seat?
